Our Core Team…
- Anna is a Program Co-ordinator. She works at Terry Fox and Kimbourne, including Baby Time!
- Rashida is a Program Co-ordinator. She works at Terry Fox and Kimbourne, including Baby Time!
- Saliha is a Program Assistant who first came to us an Early Childhood Studies student in 2022. She joined our core team in January 2024 and works at Kimbourne Tuesday through Saturday, including Baby Time!
Our Manager…
- Cathy is our manager. She leads our team, writes our newsletters and works with our funders and other partners to keep our organization strong
Our Program Assistants…
- Carlijn is a Program Assistant and works every Saturday at Kimbourne.
- Gecy is an RECE. She works as a casual Program Assistant at Kimbourne.
- Abigail is a Program Assistant who has a day job as an occasional nanny and dog walker. She works occasional Saturdays at Kimbourne.
- Jenny T works at Kimbourne mainly on Saturdays. She is an RECE and works for the YMCA and the TDSB during the week.
- Roshnik first came to us as a placement student in the Early Childhood Studies program at TMU. She is a program assistant and helps us by working relief shifts.