
Welcome message and information for families new to EECC! Here’s our January newsletter.

What to expect during the kitchen renovation and program relocation at Kimbourne EarlyON.

Schedule for February 2025 and REVISED February Schedule starting February 11th

***this schedule will be UPDATED on February 3rd, with possible amendments to hours and locations due to a renovation at our Kimbourne site***

  • Terry Fox EarlyON: Monday and Friday, 8:45 – 12; capacity is 30 people. (CLOSED December 23rd – January 3rd, all stat holidays, and during March Break.)
  • Kimbourne EarlyON, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday mornings, 9 – 12; Saturday 9 – 12. Capacity is 60 people.
  • Baby Time at Kimbourne EarlyON: Tuesdays, 12:30 – 3:30 pm; Thursdays 1:30 – 3:30 pm. This program is for children 15 months and younger only. Capacity is 60 people.


We’re now using KEyON for attendance tracking at both our sites! You have the option of registering for KEyON in advance or at your first visit. ***Each adult will need their own registration.***  You do need the full addresses and dates of birth for each child in order to register them to KEyON. On average, it takes about 10 minutes, but you’ll never have to do it again unless you add a new child to your KEyON account. You’ll simply scan your KEyON tag on your way in each visit. Easy and secure! We will never sell or misuse your contact information.

Evacuation Drills

Monthly evacuation drills are a necessary inconvenience.  We are required to do them and we want to do them well because we care about your child’s, yours and our own safety.

Participation in evacuation drills is mandatory for everyone.


  1. Staff will alert participants to the drill
  2. Participants will be permitted to slip on shoes
  3. Important: Coats, bags, and strollers must be left behind. We will be back inside in under 5 minutes. Please do not delay the process by gathering unnecessary items.
  4. Gather your children. Ask another adult to help carry children if you have more than one that can not walk on their own.
  5. One staff will lead the group to the door.
  6. A second staff will help the group cross the street.
  7. A third staff will gather the group on the sidewalk across the street and do a head count.
  8. A fourth staff will check the space to make sure everyone has evacuated.
  9. When all participants are on the sidewalk across the street and a head count has been completed, everyone walks safely back across the street and indoors.

We expect adults attending our programs to model a positive attitude during evacuation drills, so that children feel safe while practicing these skills.  Please follow all directions from staff.  Do not collect your coat, bags and stroller.  You will be interrupted by staff and asked to cooperate if you try do this, or decide to depart the program during a drill.  If the weather is chilly, throw a coat or blanket over your child and leave the building.

Our Famous Play Dough Recipe


  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 2 tsp cream of tartar* (omit if you don’t have this – all will be well!)
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • food colouring


  1. Blend flour, salt and cream of tartar.
  2. Add oil and food colouring to water, and combine the dry & wet ingredients in a non-stick skillet,stirring well.